Thursday, May 16, 2013

DARK MOOR - Ars Musica

This Spanish band has always been a favorite, although many of my friends blamed them for being too predictable and cliche. Nevertheless, I enjoyed any of their previous works I could lay my hands on, but missed some releases, so when this came to my hands, it's like listening to a new band. Dark Moor is playing the same Neoclassical Power Metal, and continue to do it with the same passion and talent as I remember. A bit anxious about the vocals, but when the vocalist Alfred Romero started, all my fears have gone. He has done such an incredible work, that often enough I caught myself being amazed and listening each song over and over again. His performance is not the typical high pitched Melodic Metal one, but is much closer to Opera singing, warm in the mellow moments, and more powerful when the rhythm demands, shifting it's style accordingly. Another strong point is the melodies, created by either guitars or keyboards, plenty of them and in various shapes and forms, from the typical furious bombastic Power Metal ones, to the Symphonic parts and the melodic solos of songs like Gara And Jonay. The songs are very good, catchy and groovy enough, and have a variety that helps this album to avoid being boring or repeat itself. There are enough ideas, although the band is choosing to stay on the safe side, but also implements enough complex moments such as Orchestral parts, creating a result that is always well worked and interesting. The songs are full of various emotions, sometimes uplifting, other times more sorrow but it's really hard not to get touched by this music, and even harder not to participate and sing along while listening to it. Top class musicianship from each of the band members, from the magnificent vocals to the guitar solos and melodies and the steady and well worked rhythm section, hardly a couple of moments where things could have been done better and music that speaks directly to your heart and sticks into your mind. Get your hands on this album, sit back, and give it a careful listen, and you won't regret.  

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