Not often enough, we have the chance to review albums from Russian bands, although Russia is a country with a huge tradition in music. Nevertheless, this band here exists since the mid 90's, but this is their second album so far, with their debut being released back in 2003. The band is playing a very interesting mixture of Doom, Death, and Black, with tons of nice and well worked melodies, and an ominous atmosphere that is one the album's stronger points. With music well performed and equally well arranged, the band manages to create exactly the atmosphere they want. Misery, agony, despair, and melancholy, are what comes to mind while listening to the album. The combination of clear and Death growl vocals and the excellent melodies, work very well for the music. The songs are big in duration, but never boring, and are all on the same quality level. Definitely not the album that one might listen while drinking at a bar, but an album that needs serious and cautious listening, cause the various influences of the band make it even more diverse than a quick listening might reveal. A very good effort from an obviously talented band. Definitely give them a hearing.
Where did you get a chance to listen to this CD? It's not out yet, isn't it?
No, it's not released yet. But we had the chance to listen to it through a promo copy we got from Candlelight.
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