Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Now that's a really weird stuff to categorize, but an album really fun to listen to. At first let me try to explain the sound of the band, although it's really difficult to do so. First, the band comes from Japan, or so I think. Second, they are heavily inspired by the Scandinavian scene, from bands like In Flames or Children Of Bodom to name a few. Now imagine, putting enough electronics into this mixture, and you might get a slight idea of what to expect. They are quite a talented band, and their music is catchy and heavy enough. The addition of those electronics make it even more weird, but welcome, since no-one can accuse them for not being original or creative. The songs are all moving to the same level, extreme and with enough energy, with brutal vocals, and melodies. I dare not to recommend it to anyone, although I liked it. All in all, it's an innovation, and whether you like it or not.

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