Friday, April 11, 2014


Brainstorm strike back with their latest opus, their tenth so far, and an album that will please all their fans. First of all let me admit that the vocals of Andy B. Franck is one of my favorite singers of the genre. Sure he is dominating the whole album, but he is doing it in a way that no one will complain, since this guy has one of the most distinctive and gifted vocals in the scene. Following their previous journey the band is playing music that sounds closer to their early 00 era, but in a more modern approach. Once again the vocals are superb, fitting perfectly with the mood of the music, and have a way to transform according to the tempo. The way he performs sometimes leaves you speechless, and is one of the big plus of the work of Brainstorm in general. The guitar duo is also excellent, giving some great riffs and grooves, but also plenty of melodies that stick in your mind. The music is the typical Brainstorm guitar-driven Power Metal, with crunchy riffs, groovy melodies and plenty of parts to sing along. The drums are also very good, groovy enough, creating the tempo and giving the extra boost for the songs to stick into your mind. His work behind the skins is remarkable and flawless, and often enough the listener is focused on his work. Well performed and catchy, with enough nice ideas, songs that move high above the average, although I would appreciate a bit more variety in the songs, but that doesn't spoil the fun in any way. From start to finish, there's no less good moment, or a song that doesn't tempt you to sing along the refrain or move along with the rhythm. It seems that the band is back with a recipe for success, and with a an album with good groovy Heavy Metal, the kind that moves the fans. If you are a fan of the Teutonic Power Metal school or simply fancy groovy and catchy stuff, this is a must have.

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