Wednesday, March 26, 2008

HEIDEVOLK - Walhalla Wacht

Heidevolk are coming from the land of the tulips, Holland, and their music is rather unique, at least for a Dutch band. Singing in their native tongue, the band is playing Folk Metal, Epic and pompous as it should be, but also aggressive and full of a nice atmosphere. The addition of violin melodies makes their music a bit more interesting. Full of melodies, catchy, with nice vocals, even more interesting arrangements, and various tempos in the music, assure that this album will keep you interested until the end. The strongest point here is the atmosphere they create, and the addition of horns, flutes, and various other instruments, helps in that direction. The band doesn't hesitate to implement some more aggressive elements, such as faster tempos, or even more brutal vocals, possibly pointing a future path of their music. The production is also very good, clear and powerful enough, revealing all the details of the music to the listener. If you are a Fold Metal enthusiast, or just curious, check them out. They definitely deserve it.

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