Monday, April 08, 2013

HOLY DRAGONS - Zerstorer

It's better not to judge books from the cover, or bands from their origin to be more exact. Holy Dragons is a band from Kazakhstan, and to be honest, the first thing that comes in mind when you hear this place is not their Metal scene. The band exists since 1992 and this is their latest album, and their first with their new singer. I have to admit that they are very good at what they chose to play, which is a mixture of Classic Metal, with touches from Power and Epic, all blended into a very groovy and well performed style, that will please all fans of the genre. From the first moment, you can't help but notice the vocals of the new singer, Ian Breeg, who is giving an excellent performance, with his high pitched, Halford-inspired way of singing. Besides this influence, there are some strong Maiden moments into this album, but blended here and there, and they don't destroy the whole result. Musicwise the album is good, with the band members doing a very good job, either on the melodies, the rhythm section or the riffs. The majority of the arrangements are amusing and groovy enough and will make you bang you head along with the rhythm. The songs are good, well worked, with plenty of melodies and ideas, enough some cliches that the band couldn't avoid, and some less good moments that don't spoil the fun though. It might not be a breeze of fresh air, but it's honest, well played and enjoyable most of the times. If you like old-fashioned style of Metal, with a modern production, then check them out.

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